What makes Water Buffalo cheeses so delicious?
The Milk!
The higher protein and butter fat content gives this creamy white delicacy a marvelous texture and flavor
It's Healthier Too!
Water Buffalo milk is higher in Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and Vitamins A and C
while being lower in Sodium and Cholesterol.
Comparison of cow
and buffalo milk
Traits Cow Buffalo
Total solids (%) 13.10 16.30
Fat (%) 4.30 7.90
Protein (%) 3.60 4.20
Lactose (%) 4.80 5.00
Tocopherol (mg/g) 0.31 0.33
Cholesterol (mg/g) 3.14 0.65
Calcium(mg/100g) 165.00 264.00
Phosphorus(mg/100g)213.00 268.00
Magnesium(mg/100g) 23.00 30.00
Potassium,(mg/100g) 185.00 107.00
Sodium(mg/100g) 73.00 65.00
Vitamin A 30.30 33.00
Vitamin C(mg/100g) 1.90 6.70
(Chantalakhana and Falvey, 1999)